Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is the best bamboo to use to create a privacy fence, I live in Florida

What is the best bamboo to use to create a privacy fence, I live in Florida?
The fence will run along the east-west side of the house, and although I live in FL, will be in part-shade. I want it to reach a maximum of around ten feet, whether naturally or cultivated to that height.
Garden & Landscape - 2 Answers
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1 :
Try the site below. www.jmbamboo.com/screen_fence_bamboo.php
2 :
Be really careful with bamboo. It sends out shoots and can take over your entire yard VERY quickly. It is darn near impossible to kill and 'critters' like to hide in it. You may want to dig a 'ditch' lined with concrete walls and floor to contain the bamboo so it cannot spread. As far as types, try Phyllostachys Aurea or 'Golden Bamboo' http://www.lewisbamboo.com/Screening-bamboo.html

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